Radiolabs – Project coordinator

RadioLabs is a non-profit research Consortium of Universities-Industries, established in 2001. The headquarter is located in Rome, Corso d’Italia 19, Italy and the laboratories are based in the University of Rome Tor Vergata, University of Roma Tre, and University of L’Aquila. RadioLabs trains high level technical personnel, assists young researchers with grants and any other applicable support to their research activities, provides support to PhD activities of the partner Universities, and promotes the dissemination of results through conferences, workshops and specialized publications.
RadioLabs mission is to contribute on Applied Research, Innovation, and Knowledge Transfer in the emerging fields of ICT and relevant applications. More specifically, its main skills are in the areas of telecommunications, including wireless, satellites, railways communications and navigations, Internet systems and services, and new media technologies. Main areas of interest include: new wireless technologies, ambient intelligence, infomobility and context-based services.
Thanks to the close relationship between University and Industry partners strongly committed to research and innovation, RadioLabs represents one rare experience of a joint team able to gather a wide range of high level and complementary research expertise that produce studies design development of prototypes and patents.
Primary Coordinator Contact/Radiolabs CTO: Franco Mazzenga
Contact: Alessandro Vizzarri
Website link:
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – partner

Guglielmo Marconi University is a world-class university engaged in significant international research and innovation. The University looks beyond the traditional academic learning setting, promoting the use of innovative learning methodologies by merging advanced technological solutions with traditional activities like lectures, workshops and seminars. Marconi research spans from Economics and Arts to Applied Science and Technologies, in accordance with societal changes and progress. University approach is based on the development of interdisciplinary knowledge, skills and competences, with a particular emphasis on the global perspective. Marconi has more than 16.000 students enrolled in graduate and postgraduate programs, 300 faculty members and an academic advising team made of more than 200 experts. Well-equipped laboratories support Marconi research activities. The Department of Innovation and Information Engineering (DIIE) focuses on performance and quality in IT systems, software engineering, data mining, semantic technologies, fixed and mobile telecommunications. The quality and expertise of the research group is well demonstrated through the collaborations that the members have with international organizations or research centers, such as the Digital Information and Research Infrastructures (DIRI) at the Georg Eckert Institute, Baker Hughes (BHGE of General Electric), Walter Tosto and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics. The staff member of AB4Rail project has been involved in other projects related to rail environment such as EMULRADIO4RAIL, 3INSAT as well as communication projects such as AIRBEAM, CADMO, Locksat B, WOLF and PULSERS. The Department established collaborations with several industries and research centers, such as: Ferrari, Alstom, FIAT Research Centre, General Electric.
Participant Contact: Romeo Giuliano
Website link:
Università di Roma Tor Vergata – linked third party

The Department of Business Engineering (DII) of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, in line with the strategy of the University, attaches great importance to research, both free and commissioned by external bodies and companies. Thanks to this activity, the DII is able to maintain close ties with companies, research centers and public institutions, and to offer up-to-date and cutting-edge knowledge within the university courses held by its members. The members of the Department are engaged in research projects funded by the European Union, by various Ministries and by public and private companies. The professors who are members of the Department of Business Engineering are mainly involved in the Degree Programs in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Management Engineering, Civil Engineering, Energy Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering through a range of courses. The teaching commitment also extends to multiple courses within the various first and second level Masters.
Contact: Francesco Vatalaro
Università degli Studi ROMA TRE – inkind

The University of Rome “Roma Tre” is the “youngest” university of Rome, founded in 1992. In the implementation of new courses, defined according to the needs of a labor market with European and international dimension, “Roma Tre” is fully engaged in offering training to achieve high levels of skills and research preparation
“Roma Tre” promotes research activities by supporting the departments with actions aimed at the development of basic research and laboratories, the promotion of international knowledge sharing, the recruitment of young people to consolidate with co-financing researchers’ recruitment, the strengthening of research allowances, PhD Schools international relations.
The University’s interest in technology transfer and in the creation of new businesses, in particular spin-off, is rapidly increasing as part of the actions aimed at expanding and strengthening the interactions with the already existing production system. The target areas are representative of the regional context, and regard areas traditionally linked to innovation, such as ICT, audiovisual-multimedia, aerospace, microelectronics, biotechnology, environment and territory, but also cultural heritage and public administration.
Contact: Anna Maria Vegni