Workstream 1 – Alternative bearers for railway applications
In Workstream 1, AB4Rail project has the aim of studying and assessing the alternative bearer technologies for enhancing train-to-ground communications so to enrich the pool of access network options for the Adaptable Communication System (ACS)
Workstream 2 – Communications Protocols for railway applications
In Workstream 2, AB4Rail has the aim of investigating the operations of ACS on the application side focusing on the proper usage of (secure/un-secure) transport and application protocols for improving end-to-end performance.
Dissemination activities
Dissemination is a strategic action of AB4Rail to spread the results of the project, to maximize the awareness of the main targeted Stakeholders in relation to the objectives and expected outcomes of AB4Rail during the 24 months of the project especially in the context of mobility limitation due to COVID-19 emergency. An efficient support to all the activities of AB4Rail project is provided by the Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi (USGM).