Romeo Giuliano, Professor of Guglielmo Marconi University, expert in Networks and Internet, has described a very interesting overview of the future of railway mobile communication system. The Editorial has been published in the GMU Magazine, a monthly publication conceived in 2016 to promote the Athenaeum’s academic and research activates. The latest innovations, the state of art of Rail sector’s communication and the innovative features of AB4Rail project have been deeply described.
“…. Research on the inclusion in ACS of alternative access technologies, adding to the legacy ones, is carried out in the H2020 S2R AB4Rail project ( where the Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi is actively involved. AB4Rail will offer to Guglielmo Marconi University the possibility to enhance the research knowledge on novel communication technologies in railway sector as well as to improve and identify new features and innovative services of virtual conferences/meeting software tools in order to better meet the industrial community needs. AB4Rail project also provides important impacts from an environmental and social perspective. Regarding the climate change, a smart digital environment is characterized by a strong presence of rail infrastructures and technologies.
The possibility to have important innovative features on ACS (e.g., alternative and traditional bearers, and innovative transport/application protocols) is crucial to realize more efficient, cost-effective railway infrastructures in the next years. It means that important reductions on power consumption can be achieved and then to meet the European Green Deal objectives in the transport field.
From a social point of view, AB4Rail project have important impacts. It can concur to make the rail technologies more interoperable, efficient and high-performing across the digitalization process for the European citizens.”
To freely download the magazine of April 2021 follow this link.