X2Rail and AB4Rail ongoing collaboration – meeting July 2022

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The eleventh meeting between the X2Rail project consortium and the AB4Rail project partners was held on 4-th July 2022. Alessandro Vizzarri (Radiolabs) provided a recap of the business and financial analysis included in deliverable D2.3. Kerstine Keil presented the usage of 5G networks, its opportunity for providing services for railway and possible financial implications, based on a building block approach.

Prof. Franco Mazzenga (Radiolabs and University of Rome Tor Vergata) pointed out that X2Rail has the aim of investigating very mature technologies, whose information in terms of products, deployments, and performance are well known and ready for the brief-term adoption. On the contrary, AB4Rail investigates technologies not still available in the market, thus some trends in advances should be considered, other parameters should be simulated and the rest it is necessary to be assumed. Vizzarri also provided the last advances related to the D2.4 and D3.5. Finally, attendees participated in the active Q/A session. Next meeting is scheduled on 12th Sept. 22.
